Report of CE-5 night, Nov. 11

We were three people who met indoor in Copenhagen. Two of the people did the meditation whilst laying down and it gave a nice calm feeling. We did energy alignment and then the official ET Contact Protocol, as described by Steven Greer and Sirius Disclosure. After the meditation, we did a sharing round. Then I saw in my minds eye, that a row at ET beings had lined up and wanted to be channeled. I connected with the first three and brought their energetic body near the two other human particiants, one after the other. One human felt the ETs as "heavy air" against his upper body, and the other human felt the ETs energy as cold air and energy in her body, and also heard the voice of the first ET. The three ETs features: The first was very tall and male bodied, approx 250 cm. His face was quite rectangular, with a square jaw. Wearing a light blue garment, which energetically could resemble something soft, like demin. The second ET was a Later Stage Hybrid, meaning it had mostly human physical features, and in this case about 25% Grey. He had average male human height and was wearing a black garment. Best described as something similar to nylon and very thick. The last ET was a Grey, or Zeta as they are also known. It had a more feminine personality and she herself walked over to the two human participants and made her energy present to them. After the channeling and interaction with the ETs, we had another sharing round and ended the night with a grounding exercise. Thank you to both humans and ETs for yet another AWESOME CE-5 night.

Opsummering af CE-5 aften d. 7 okt

Vi mødtes 3 personer på Amager. Derfra gik vi 8 min. over til Kastrup Fort og op på højen. Derfra var der skøn panoramaudsigt og tydelig stjernehimmel, på trods lys fra omkringliggende veje. Skydækket åbnede sig og vi kunne se en masse stjerner, stjernebilleder, satellitter og fly. Meditationen og kontaktprotokollen blev gennemført. Vi så flere tilfælde af lysobjekter der fløj hastigt højt oppe på himlen. Den ene lyste kortvarigt op. Den anden hang lavere og havde kraftigt vedvarende lys. Den fløj bagom en lille tæt sky og kom ikke frem på den anden side!!! En skøn afslutning på oktobers CE-5 aften.

Report – CE-5 event September 9

We had a relaxed night without any physical sightings. I think it was because we did not sit for long, and moved to another location. We didn't spend enough time to fully anchor the contact energy, unfortunately. We had a lovely meditation with individual inner perceptions of ET presence.

Opsummering af CE-5 event 12 august

En opsummering af vores augustevent. Pga regn blev det afholdt indenfor i København, og med fem deltagere i alt. Vi havde en ET igennem i spiritform (interdimensionel / spøgelsesform). Han var meget høj ca 220 cm, havde kridhvid hud og store øjne. Hans energi var meget kærlig og legende. Han syntes, at det var sjovt at have kontakt med os på denne mediumship måde. Jeg overførte hans energi, så dem der var tilstede kunne mærke ham. Det varierede hvor meget den enkelte kunne fornemme. En meget rørende CE-5 aften indendøre med tydelig besøg af en interdimensionel ET.

Opsummering Blodmåne – CE-5 event 27 juli

Vi så 6 UFOer !!!! De fløj lange afstande,"dansede" og skiftede retninger og tempi. To af dem fadede ud for øjnene af os og var ret tæt på! Vi så selvfølgelig også Blodmånen og Mars. Vi var i alt 3 personer, og befandt os på Amager Strand hele aften indtil kl 1:30 om natten. Alt imens Blodmånen stod på, opnåede jeg telepatisk kontakt med en Grey der befandt sig på selve månen. Jeg bad ham (den virkede maskulin) om sende kontaktenergi til mig. Først gjorde det mig svimmel, og da jeg havde justeret til hans frekvens, lavede jeg energioverførsel til de to andre mennesker. De mærkede det kraftigt og vi jublede af glæde. Da jeg senere kom hjem, fik jeg en kundalinirejsning og en af de andre mennesker oplevede ved sin hjemkomst, at få "besøg" af en Grey i "spøgelsesform" med en mærkelig lugt.

Big Flower meditations. A free 15 min. meditative meeting with ETs held once a week. Attend from wherever you are located.

Big Flower meditation. As preparation for our CE-5 events and general attunement to the presence of ETs and UFOs, the Big Flower meditations has proven to be an effective method. Every wednesday at 19 to 19:15 (UTC +1), we slip into meditation wherever located on the planet and astrally meet up  at the UFO named Big Flower. It is located in space, near Earth. It's a form of Out-of-body meeting, where you meet ETs and humans for a 15 min. hangout, where you can ask them questions and share knowledge. This recurring event is hosted by the Tall Brown ETs and this joint weekly gathering has been going strong for 2 years already. Key facilitator is Susann Björklund For more info, please check out the group First Contact Ambassadors and the facebook page Weekly event on facebook

Report on CE-5 event, July 15

CE 5 contact event in Dyrehaven, Klampenborg We were 5 people, who met up and placed ourself in a secluded spot in the forest. We did the energy alignment and the contact protocol meditations. We did not observe UFOs in the sky, but individually we experienced different sensations. I felt a strong conscious energetic presence around us where we sat, and were told telepathically that the ETs were there with us in the group. They were on a frequency which we could not see with our eyes. Another attendee saw inner flashes and patterns of colour. A cozy evening with connecting and sharing knowledge and experiences regarding ETs, UFOs and spiritual development. Thank you all for coming!

Tinkuy – expanding our CE-5 trainings

We are expanding with Tinkuy! Besides our regular monthly outdoor CE-5 contact events, I will host ongoing contact training meditations at Tinkuy - The plan is to have contact training meditations, so new people can get insight in to what we are doing. It's also a place to hang out with your fellow CE-5 friends :) A training event usually lasts 2 hours, where we'll be going through the contact protokol and there is time for lots of Q & A. First training meditation is june 20. Keep an eye on Tinkuy's activity calendar to see when the next CE-5 training event takes place. It's free admission for Tinkuy-members. For visitors it's 50 kr. Further questions can be submitted to

Information night

Saturday march 31st 2018, the founders of CE-5 Copenhagen held an informational night regarding this new exciting organisation. All in all, about a handful of UFO enthusiastic people attended. It started with a presentation about what, who and why regarding the background of the global CE-5 Initiative. Then the webpage for CE-5 Copenhagen and the vision as an organisation were presented. The plan is to organize CE-5 events in Copenhagen area and in the future also facilitate lectures. The night ended with watching the movie Close Encounters of the 3rd kind. It was a cozy and informative night and a great way to launch CE-5 Copenhagen :)