This site partly contains material and visuals with permission from Sirius Disclosure, founded by Dr. Steven Greer

  • Calendar

    • Sirius Disclosure CE-5 Global Grid Night November 2, 2024 at 17:00 – 21:00
    • ETLetsTalk CE-5 Global Grid Night November 2, 2024 at 17:00 – 21:00
    • ETLetsTalk CE-5 Global Grid Night November 30, 2024 at 16:00 – 20:00
    • Sirius Disclosure CE-5 Global Grid Night December 7, 2024 at 16:00 – 20:00
  • How To

    Explore our section about how to make contact with UFOs and ETs with the CE-5 Contact Protocol and ET Contact Tool. The contact method has been developed by Dr. Steven Greer

    CE-5 Skywatch

  • Vision and mission of CE-5 Copenhagen





CE-5 Copenhagen is a conspiracy-free meditation group. This is NOT for spiritual beginners. CE-5 Copenhagen is a group for advanced spiritual practitioners. We work on meeting the ETs and prepare ourselves to meet the ETs. You need to have prior experience with CE-5, self-development, humbling your ego, meditation, know the terminology of CE-5, understand spiritual terminology and you have, ideally, had some type of emotional bodywork therapy sessions, so you know how to detach from you analytical intellect, ego and mind, go into silent awareness and be sensitive to psychic perception. Our purpose is to hang out with the extraterrestrials and their space crafts. They are our friends and we are their friends. To participate in a skywatch hosted by CE-5 Copenhagen, it is mandatory to first attend an online intro workshop. Keep an eye on the calendar and facebook for upcoming online intro workshops. CE-5 Copenhagen / CE-5 København was founded in March 2018 and facilitates a CE-5 orientated community and monthly events held primarily outdoor in the area of Copenhagen. A CE-5 skywatch begins in the evening before sunset, on the first Saturday of the month in alignment with the Sirius Disclosure Global CE-5 Initiative calendar and Saturday around New moon which is in alignment with the EtLetsTalk Global CE-5 Initiative calendar. These dates are known as Global Grid Nights where CE-5 groups all around the world are doing CE-5 contact and ideal for you to make your own skywatches. This 24h grid amplifies contact. Though these dates create stronger contact energy, it is still possible to do CE-5 on any night. CE-5 Copenhagen won't always be able to facilitate skywatches, because they are created out of volunteer time. It is still recommendable to attend an online intro workshop because you will also get information on how to set up your own CE-5 group and host your own CE-5 events. A manual for How To + the CE-5 Contact Protocol and CE5 Contact App is also freely available on this website. The purpose of doing CE-5 is to experience direct contact as Close Encounter of the 5th kind (CE-5). This is done by inviting UFOs and ETs to a human-initiated bilateral contact through meditation, electronic devices and physical senses and with both internal and external observations. Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE) can also occur. IMPORTANT: Alcohol, marijuana and drugs are strictly prohibited AT ALL of CE-5 Copenhagen's activities. Only mentally and emotionally stable individuals can participate in these events. Any person suffering from paranoia, anxiety, emotional instability and reactivity, psychosis, schizophrenia, depression or other severe psychiatric diagnoses or using any type of psychopharmaca is not allowed to attend these contact events. The reason is safety and consideration for the individual experiencing contact. It can trigger old unprocessed emotions, that they are maybe not ready for at the time. The energy from the UFOs and ETs amplifies everything emotional, mental and physical. CE-5 Copenhagen is NOT political or religious but is both spiritual and scientific in our approach. We are ONLY interested in directly initiated contact with UFOs and ETs, and use spiritual awareness and equipment to register and record it. We want to see the UFOs and meet the ETs. We do NOT engage in any type of discussions regarding exopolitics, government cover-ups, secret documents, conspiracy theories, speculations about UFO crashes etc. At CE-5 Copenhagen events, we do a guided meditation for about an hour and our intention is to connect with star beings and their spacecraft from an inner state of peace, clarity, sanity and love. The ETs prefer to interact with calm humans, who are genuinely ready for contact. CE-5 Copenhagen wishes to contribute to the CE-5 Initiative – the global movement founded by Dr. Steven Greer through his work CSETI and Sirius Disclosure. In this context, we will upload recorded CE-5 evidence gathered by our own and other CE-5 groups for public awareness and we encourage everyone to study the UFO / ET phenomenon.


  •  Copenhagen, Denmark

  • Disclosure

    Dr. Steven Greer and Sirius Disclosure have created several eye-opening movies that present strong evidence of extraterrestrial presence.

    The Lost Century (2023)
    The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé (2021)

    Close Encounters of The Fifth Kind (2020)
    Unacknowledged (2017)
    Sirius (2013)

    The need for disclosure is becoming more necessary. Countless people are having UFO sightings and ET interactions all over the planet. So a way to prepare ourselves for this increasing communication with extraterrestrial beings is to practice peace of mind, kindness and love towards each other. With this frame of mind, we can endure the awareness of these individuals from other planets, without becoming aggressive towards them or each other. This will make a safer transition into a new era, where we humans know that we are not alone in the universe.

  • CE-5 Copenhagen on Youtube

  • Dr. Steven Greer

    At Dr. Steven Greer's Youtube channel you can gain more information about his work and the movies.
  • Aftercare – after experiencing contact

    After experiencing contact it is recommended to take some time to fully integrate the experience. CE-5 Copenhagen provides suggestions as to what you can do to integrate the sensing and witnessing of UFOs and ETs into your consciousness and nervous system.
    CE-5 is a profound existential experience, which catapults you into the inner work of self-exploration and self-development, and the energetic processes of this new awareness may need some nurturing.
    The suggestions listed below can assist with the integration of intra- and interpersonal awareness.

    Dr. Steven Greer, Sirius Disclosure and CSETI
    Bashar –
    Gaia TV –

    Self Mastery
    Emotional bodywork therapy. For example Rosen Method, Totem etc. Meditation, psychic healing, reiki, acupuncture and grounding. Bring your awareness into your physical senses and body. Process all anxieties and negative feelings from your life experiences.

Updates & Reports


4 weeks ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Constellation of Andromeda ... See MoreSee Less
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4 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
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4 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
CE-5 Copenhagen ... See MoreSee Less
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4 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
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4 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
The effect of CE-5 ... See MoreSee Less
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4 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Review of Area 51 and awesome souvenirs 😀 ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
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6 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Danish pilot flying over Turkey filmed these ET Lightships. You can see the whole video via this link 👽👽 ... See MoreSee Less
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7 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
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10 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
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10 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Merry E.T. Christmas 👽😍😎🛸 ... See MoreSee Less
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10 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
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11 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen ... See MoreSee Less
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11 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Photos from CE-5 Copenhagen's post ... See MoreSee Less
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11 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
November smiles 👽😀 ... See MoreSee Less
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12 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Always treat the ETs with respect ... See MoreSee Less
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12 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
CE-5 Copenhagen ... See MoreSee Less
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12 months ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Always use discernment when doing CE-5 Skywatch 👽👌 ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
The purpose of CE-5 is to initiate bilateral communication with ETs. In the book Visitors from Within by Lyssa Royal, stage 1 and 2 essentially describes what happens when doing CE-5. These two stages prepare us for stage 3 - physical contact by physically meeting the ETs 👽 This is why ongoing self-development and spiritual growth is crucial 🙏 ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Stalker G... B..... Sidst fik du polititilhold. Det kan du få igen. Politiet kender dig jo.NY APP HJÆLPER POLITIET MED AT HJÆLPE STALKING-OFREStalking er en alvorlig forbrydelse, som rammer op imod 100.000 danskere hvert år og kan medføre både sociale, psykologiske og økonomiske problemer for ofrene.Når vi hos politiet skal hjælpe stalking-ofre, har vi brug for al den dokumentation, vi kan få. Det kan dog både være kompliceret og uoverskueligt for ofrene at få indsamlet den relevante dokumentation.Derfor har Dansk Stalking Center i samarbejde med politiet udviklet appen Skytsengel, som både fungerer som alarm til et netværk af hjælpere og gør dokumentation af stalking mere overskuelig. Appen kan altså hjælpe ofrene til en tryggere hverdag og er samtidig et godt redskab for politiet, fordi den gør det hurtigt og nemt at dokumentere og samle uønskede hændelser i en log, som så kan overleveres til politiet og bruges som beviser i sager om chikane, forfølgelse, stalking, eller anden uønsket kontakt.Skytsengel er gratis og kan hentes i AppStore og GooglePlay fra den 3. februar. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
UFO encounter in Brønderslev, Northern Jutland. Thank you Mads for submitting your video and contributing to public awareness. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Here is a good picture exercise. Imagine that you are out in nature and this ET shows up. How do you feel? ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
It takes time to get used to Earth culture 😅👽 ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Increase your UFO and ET encounters 👽🛸 ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
May smiles 😃🌸👽✌️ ... See MoreSee Less
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2 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
We are celebrating!!! ... See MoreSee Less
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2 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Looking forward to celebrating CE-5 Copenhagen's 5th anniversary. Date March 9 at 8 PM CET (+1 UTC) ... See MoreSee Less
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2 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Happy New Year !! Let's make contact with our star friends ✨️ 👽🛸 ... See MoreSee Less
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2 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Glædelig Jul fra CE-5 København 👽🤶A mom named Jenny Bragg turned her dining room light into a UFO Elf abduction! 😂😂 ... See MoreSee Less
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2 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
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2 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
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2 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
You can currently watch Alien Abductions: Answers for free at Tubi :) When we do CE-5, we connect deeply with our star friends. Some people have encountered them before, and others will start to experience them in their daily life :) This film is great to help you integrate your UFO and ET encounters <3 👽 ... See MoreSee Less
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2 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
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2 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
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2 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
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2 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Dejligt at læse :D 👽Sjælden høring om ufoer giver få svar i USA's ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
👽 The aliens looks at us and our world with compassion <3 CE-5 contact is raising the collective vibration and though times are dark in many places of the planet, we must continue to invite our brothers and sisters from the stars to connect with us <3👽👽👽 ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Har set frem til at dele denne UFO video med jer 👽I juli havde CE-5 Copenhagen besøg af to søde Nordjyder, en mor og datter <3 De havde en smuk, vild og transformativ Skywatch-oplevelse med ET kontakt. En uge senere var de tilbage i Nordjylland og så denne UFO :DLæs videobeskrivelsen. Det er deres egen beretning af deres UFO encounter - Brønderslev.(Jeg har oversat det til engelsk, så hele verden kan læse med) ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Merry UFO Christmas from CE-5 Copenhagen 👽Remember to look out the window ;) ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Next CE-5 online intro workshop is re-scheduled to 1st of November. Time is still 20:00 Danish time 👽✌ ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Dr. Steven Greer's beautiful life story about how ETs and CE-5 entered his life < ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Expansion and peace in the ocean of consciousness < ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Vectoring when doing CE-5 (Y) 🛸👽 ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
👽😍 ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
There will be held an extra online intro workshop on Wednesday August 11 at 20:00Come and join if you missed the last one 😃 👽 ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
New movie from Dr. Greer 👽🛸 It is about how the American government will try to portray the ETs and their spacecraft as a threat. The ETs ARE NOT a threat. They are benevolent intelligent beings and we the people must make them feel safe <3 You can do that by doing CE-5 :D ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Hello 👽 ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
😃👽 June smiles ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
More UFO sighting confirmed by the Pentagon :) Sending love and light to all who are becoming aware of the reality and presence of ETs and UFOs < ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
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4 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Spring Equinox is finally here!Graylight Savings #aliens #daylight #time #aliens #stonehenge #spring #SpringTime #funny #humor #comics #clocks #watch ... See MoreSee Less
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4 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Info.Næste Global Grid Night er d. 13 marts og ikke d. 27 marts.Kalenderen på hjemmesiden er ... See MoreSee Less
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4 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
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4 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
The CE-5 recording from July 2020 🛸🥰👽Lightship with guardian purpose. The white colour indicates it's purpose.Recording: Linda Lø ... See MoreSee Less
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4 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen ... See MoreSee Less
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5 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
🛸 <3 Our captain of the CE-5 movement Dr. Steven Greer has of today released his latest film: Close Encounters of The Fifth Kind - Contact Has BegunIt can be downloaded from Google Play, iTunes, Amazon and Vimeo (fun fact, Google Play sells it at the cheapest price - 99 DKK for HD)Tonight he will do a mass meditation live via his Youtube channel. It happens after midnight danish time, from 01 to 04Hope you can stay awake tonight and will join this global event 👽🥳 ... See MoreSee Less
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5 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
👽😍🌳 ... See MoreSee Less
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6 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Steven Greer's CE5 event at Vero Beach, Florida, feb. 2015. Two of "the golden ones". ... See MoreSee Less
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6 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
Så er det på søndag vi laver CE5 igen 😛👽👾Sidst fik vi besøg af en Tall White i spiritform, og denne kontaktform er helt normal. Det er så dejligt når ETs vil komme og være med :) Vi regner med full contact igen på søndag :D Eventet starter kl 18 og slutter officielt kl 22. Mødested: Femøren metrostation.Vores CE5 events handler i lige så høj grad om fællesskabet, CE5-interessen og et trygt rum hvor man kan dele sine erfaringer med ETs og UFOer <3 <3 <3 ... See MoreSee Less
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6 years ago

CE-5 Copenhagen
En opsummering af vores CE5 event d. 12 august. Pga regnen holdt vi det indenfor, og vi blev fem personer i alt. Vi lavede kontaktprotokollen (meditationerne) r, og fik en ET igennem i spiritform (spøgelsesform). Han var meget høj ca 220 cm, havde hvid hud og store øjne. Hans energi var meget kærlig og legende. Han syntes, at det var sjovt, at have kontakt med os på denne mediumship måde. Vi overførte hans energi, så alle der var tilstede kunne mærke ham. Det varierede hvor meget den enkelte kunne fornemme. ... See MoreSee Less
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CE-5 Skywatch report Sep. 28, 2024

We were two people who went to a forest and did a guided meditation. Nature was fresh and green and many animals were nearby. During the meditation, we connected our heart chakras with our ET friends. A dense palpable feeling of several interdimensional ETs became present with us and one person saw the outline formation […]

Are you ready to see UFOs and meet the ETs?

It is important that you integrate your thoughts and feelings because the more integrated your consciousness is, the closer the ETs will come to you. ET and UFO contact is about loving kindness and remember that you attract what you vibe.You can also do CE-5 meditations at home or outside and get familiar with it. […]

CE-5 Skywatch report November 26, 2023

At 2:00 in the morning of November 26, we were three people who went to a park in the southern part of Copenhagen.Instead of the usual CE-5 meditation from the CE5 Contact app, we did a standing meditation guided by the organizer.We closed our eyes and envisioned that we were immediately standing inside a spacecraft.After […]

CE-5 Skywatch report, September 16, 2023

On this beautiful clear-weathered early autumn Saturday, we were two people who went to the forest. We were excited as always and these gatherings always provide expansion, connection and fun. We did the puja, the CE-5 contact meditation and also listened to a Bashar meditation. One person saw a huge purple orb about 1 meter […]

CE-5 Skywatch report September 2, 2023

The weather was perfect for our skywatch that day. There were six people attending. Five in person and one on a call. We went to our skywatch location deep in the forest and sat up camp. During our CE-5 contact meditation, we had various experiences. Here are the attendies experiences. Female one: “There was a […]

Status report on online intro workshops on CE-5 Skywatch, July 30, 2023

By now, many people have attended the online intro workshops hosted by CE-5 Copenhagen. The first intro was held physically here in Copenhagen and it was then moved online to reach more people.As of July 2023, CE-5 Copenhagen has hosted over 35 CE-5 Skywatches out in nature since 2018 and since 2021 there have been […]

CE-5 Skywatch report, July 15, 2023

We were a handful of people who went to the meditation area in the forest. We talked about the ETs and also about Bigfoot. These forest dwellers are showing up more in general as the consciousness of the human species is evolving. As we had settled down, a female Bigfoot approached us interdimensionally. Her presence […]

Celebrating CE-5 Copenhagen turning 5 years old

What a celebration and milestone! In March 2023, CE-5 Copenhagen officially turned 5 years old. It was celebrated with a proper online birthday hangout with cake, candles, decorations, great company and lots of fun. It was so lovely to see both familiar and new faces. The passion for UFO and ET contact keeps expanding. People […]

Avoid scam mail

ALERT! Do not open any emails from It is a scam email address. The ONLY email used by CE-5 Copenhagen is If you receive an unexpected email from the info-email, then do not hit reply. There are “spoof” emails, where the scammer makes the sending email address look authentic. Instead, you should send […]

Golden lightship at 6 AM

Woke up at 6 AM and felt an urge to look outside through the window.There was a lightship / orb hovering in the sky! First it looked like a perfect spherical cloud with the morning sun colouring it golden. Then it started to rotate. Within a few seconds the sphere shrunk to a smaller sphere […]