Avoid scam mail

ALERT! Do not open any emails from secured_file5889@ce5cph.dk
It is a scam email address. The ONLY email used by CE-5 Copenhagen is info@ce5cph.dk
If you receive an unexpected email from the info-email, then do not hit reply. There are "spoof" emails, where the scammer makes the sending email address look authentic. Instead, you should send a separate email to info@ce5cph.dk and ask what that email was about. All scammers get reported.

Golden lightship at 6 AM

Woke up at 6 AM and felt an urge to look outside through the window.
There was a lightship / orb hovering in the sky! First it looked like a perfect spherical cloud with the morning sun colouring it golden. Then it started to rotate. Within a few seconds the sphere shrunk to a smaller sphere and then faded into a circle and disappeared.

I connected with it and felt a deep sense of peace, belonging and love.

Thank you Star friends for reminding that you are always there!

CE-5 Skywatch report, January 17, 2022. CE-5 Copenhagen visits Costa Rica

Whilst in Montezuma, CE-5 Copenhagen came across a lovely couple, who also loves the CE-5 contact protocol.
We went to the beach and did a spontaneous CE-5 Skywatch.
Though this day was not a Global Grid Night, the synchronicity and synergy among the participants were right for it.
During the meditation, one participant experienced being sucked out of her body and upwards into the sky.
The two other participants experienced floating in outer space. Out there among the galaxies.
Thank you to both humans and ETs for this beautiful CE-5 Skywatch night in Montezuma, Costa Rica.